Find a harpist -
Alphabetically listed are a list UKHA members working as professional harpists and harp teachers in the UK.
This page is updated and maintained as regularly as possible to ensure all information is current. The information provided on this page has been submitted by the harpist themselves. The UK Harp Association takes no responsibility for any agreements and further contact made from this list.
This page is updated and maintained as regularly as possible to ensure all information is current. The information provided on this page has been submitted by the harpist themselves. The UK Harp Association takes no responsibility for any agreements and further contact made from this list.
Fran Barsby - - West Sussex
Ruth Lee - - Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
Becki Luff - - Oxfordshire
Keziah Thomas - - London
Ruth Lee - - Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
Becki Luff - - Oxfordshire
Keziah Thomas - - London
Sophie Rocks - - Lanarkshire
Name - website - County
Northern Ireland
Name - website - County
Name - website - Country
How to advertise on our harpists page
To display an advert please email our webmaster, Fran, [email protected] with
Your name
Country/county you wish to be advertised in
Website address
You must be a UKHA member to be listed.
You will be asked to confirm your identity when submitting your information.
By emailing your details you are agreeing to the UKHA displaying your name, website and county on this page for advertising.
For example:
Fran Barsby - - West Sussex
Your name
Country/county you wish to be advertised in
Website address
You must be a UKHA member to be listed.
You will be asked to confirm your identity when submitting your information.
By emailing your details you are agreeing to the UKHA displaying your name, website and county on this page for advertising.
For example:
Fran Barsby - - West Sussex
Donate to the UKHA
Your kind and generous donations enable us to put on Harp events each year, sponsor UK Harpists and projects, improve our archives and more.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your support.
Donate to the UKHA
£50.00 - £500.00
Sponsor the UKHA Award
Each year we offer £500 grants to harpists and exciting projects around the UK. Any donations enables us to give out more opportunities and create even more harpy goodness! The more sponsors we receive the more projects we will be able to award with sponsorship.
Any donations received will be put towards putting more harp events on, awarding more projects with sponsorship and delivering a better member experience for all of our members.
Thank you for your kind and generous support!