Safeguarding Policy – United Kingdom Harp Association (UKHA)
Commitment to safeguarding: The UKHA believes that a child, young person or adult at risk should never experience abuse of any kind. We recognise that we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk. We are committed to safeguarding the well-being of all children, young people and adults at risk and to protecting them from harm.
About this policy
Members of the Association who attend UKHA events.
Procedures for raising and dealing with safeguarding concerns and incidents of abuse
1st January 2021
Commitment to safeguarding: The UKHA believes that a child, young person or adult at risk should never experience abuse of any kind. We recognise that we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk. We are committed to safeguarding the well-being of all children, young people and adults at risk and to protecting them from harm.
About this policy
- This policy applies to: all members, staff (whether employees or freelancers), volunteers and anyone working on behalf of the UKHA or taking part in UKHA activities.
- The purpose of this policy is to provide members, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to the protection of all vulnerable people.
- This policy recognises vulnerable people as:
• Children up to the age of 16 or young people aged 16-18.
• Adults aged over 18 at risk as defined by the Safeguarding Vulnerable
Groups Act 2006. This might include adults with a learning or physical disability, a physical or mental illness, chronic or otherwise, including an addiction to alcohol or drugs, or reduced physical or mental capacity. This policy also recognises risk is determined by the activity an adult is taking part in and not solely on the personal characteristics or circumstances of the adult, as such any adult can be at risk, and the risk can be temporary. - This policy aims to:
• Protect children, young people and adults at risk who are members of,
receive services from, or volunteer for, the UKHA.
• Ensure that safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk is
a primary consideration when the UKHA undertakes any activity, event or project.
How the UKHA might interact with vulnerable people: membership is open to those over 18 years of age. We run events for members and promote concerts for the general public. As such our involvement with vulnerable people might include, but is not limited to:
Members of the Association who attend UKHA events.
- Relatives and friends of members who attend rehearsals, concerts and events in a volunteering capacity.
- Audience members at concerts/recitals.
Named safeguarding person: Ruth Faber (Vice President) has responsibility for safeguarding issues. All queries and concerns relating to safeguarding should be referred to the Vice President (email: [email protected]) in the first instance.
Any projects, events or other activities that will involve vulnerable people must be planned with the involvement of the named safeguarding person who will ensure safeguarding is fully considered.
Procedures for raising and dealing with safeguarding concerns and incidents of abuse
- If any UKHA member or volunteer witnesses, suspects, or is informed of a witnessed or suspected case of abuse they should immediately report it to the named safeguarding person or any member of the committee.
- The named safeguarding person or committee member will then make a decision based on the immediacy of the concern and if required, will call the police or seek the attention of medical services.
- The committee will meet within one week of any report of abuse being submitted to the named safeguarding person or committee member.
- If abuse is found to have taken place any final resolution or decision will be taken in the best interest of the person who has suffered the abuse and the best interests of the UKHA.
- Any disciplinary action will be taken in line with the UKHA constitution (April 2020).
1st January 2021